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Pen-and-paper roleplaying games let you do anything: slay a dragon in an ancient temple, fly a spaceship across the galaxy or investigate mysteries in the dark of corners of the world, all in one game and even potentially all in one session. How? Because they rely on the participants' imaginations and common sense to construct parts of the game that would be too slow to draw or animate or program. What if there was a video game that could do the same? Well, now there is.

Minimal Presentation

The players' imaginations are guided by a minimalist art style which is quick to make yet appealing to look at and listen to. Any world you can imagine can be depicted with ease.

Game Master Controlled

The game master is always in control, able to tweak any part of the game at any moment to react to changing situations. There are no level transitions and no game modes.

A Game at Heart

This is no group improv exercise*, the game master can program any game mechanic they want right into the game and even program entire adventures to play out automatically.

* = Unless you want it to be, of course.

VR Support

Players can use a wide variety of VR equipment to insert themselves directly into the game, opening up a whole new world of interaction possibilities.

LambdaMod mixes the minimalism and flexibility of traditional games with the speed and immersive gameplay of video games to create something totally new. Also, you can just use it like a regular sandbox game if you like. Have fun!