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LambdaMod 0.4.0 Release

Version 0.4.0 of LambdaMod is now out, adding proper client-side prediction supported by client-side animation and physics in addition to adding an all-new UI system! Here's what was worked on across the last 66 daily patches:

And many other small fixes! Overall I think this was a success, the system has been moved into a state where new features can be added without worrying about them being disrupted by a future massive overhaul like introducing client-side physics or rewriting the UI. Unfortunately I didn't quite hit all the targets for this patch. After doing client-side prediction I realized that most upcoming functionality (VR, better sound and animation, proper UI tools, the stash) would need to be supported by UI elements. Writing those UI elements would have meant spending more effort on the UI system I eventually intended to replace, so I decided to replace it first and do the features later. As a result VR support didn't get fixed.

That said though, the focus of version 0.5.0 will be exclusively VR (except updates to animation, which VR requires for inverse kinematics). Version 0.6.0 will then focus on replacing the sound tone-color system with a new system that more closely aligns with how humans think about sound. Then with version 0.7.0 hopefully I can start working on actual game systems and polishing the system for a proper MVP!

Created by Amini Allight on